What a pity! Woman Dies After Injecting VASELINE Into Her BREASTS [PICTURED]

An Argentine woman has died after allegedly injecting Vaseline into her breasts, as a means of performing a breast augmentation procedure on herself.

Sonia Perez Llanzon, 39, suffered pulmonary embolism (a blood clot in her lungs), and died some weeks after she reportedly injected herself with petroleum jelly.

Llanzon visited a Santa Rosa hospital after she had started to experience difficulty breathing. According to the doctors, she initially tried to deny the fact that she injected herself with Vaseline. However, upon further interrogation, she later admitted what she had done.

Julio Pla Cardenas, who is Chief of Surgery at Lucio Molas Hospital, where she was treated, remarked that in the history of his medical career, he has never encountered a case like Llanzon’s.

The human body has antibodies to remove bacteria and viruses, but it hasn’t got any mechanisms against this type of product,” he said.

The Vaseline entered the woman’s blood stream, where it caused blood clots that eventually traveled to her lungs, doctors said. Llanzon died as a result of pulmonary embolism following a month-long hospitalization.

Llanzon was an athlete, a boxer, and a marathon runner.
